Submit articles

Submit Articles and Get Published with Us

Do you love the things of God and desire to share them through articles that you have written? Have you got that burden to reach out to the lost of the world? Is the Lord laying a burden in your heart to reach out through written articles? If you answered yes to any of the foregoing; you just might be one of those we are looking for. If you can write it out; you might also touch a life. So submit your article for publication.

We accept articles on christian, christian-related and general life issues that is capable of providing edifying, uplifting, gainful and useful information to help readers in their spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, and career lives. Write and touch a life today.

Before submitting an article, please bear the following in mind:

Our Audience

Our readers are typically Christians who love and wish to serve the Lord more; but much more importantly, are the non-christian and christian-backsliding readers, who hunger after the Lord but do not or just cannot get themselves to serve Him truly, consistently and faithfully.

These second group are the ones we are most earnestly concerned with, but of course, without neglecting the constant needs of fellow faithful Christians.

Typical articles we'd be interested in include, but not limited to:
  • Life and living in all its ramifications
  • Christian virtues and living better christian lives
  • Long and short stories that teach lessons of life
  • Relationships with God and man including dating, family, friends, etc
  • Technology in Christendom (online learning, apps, social media, etc)
  • Christian and life productivity tools
  • Poems and songs that touch can a life (ensure you have copyright permissions)
We encourage contributors to submit guest articles and posts on any of the mentioned subjects. You are free to write from your experiences, as led by the Spirit or researches from authoritative sources.

Feel free to use your own unique style of writing, as long as you communicate clearly.


When writing an article, focus on adding value to the reader. Our aim is to provide readers with practical information and helpful tips to get ahead in their lives and careers. Please note these guidelines below:
  1. Article MUST be edifying, uplifting, informative, educative or inspiring. We will NOT accept articles that do not have value for readers.
  2. Do not cut and paste content from other sites. Your article/post must be original; and may be from your experience or that of someone else, or as led by the Spirit or as researched from clearly cited sources.
  3. Articles must relate to Christendom or life in general, and links within articles MUST relate to the subject and topic of the article.
  4. Self promotion is not permitted within articles/posts. You may promote yourself or service in the author bio section below your post.
  5. Article must not contain abusive, hate, racist, or negatively incisive words.
  6. Although we proof-read articles before publishing, we expect that you proof-read your article/post to a reasonable extent before submitting.
  7. Articles should be between 400 and 1000 words. A little more or less may be acceptable if necessary to get your point across. We reserve the right to edit your submission for better performance.
Note that, in reality, we do not place much restriction on articles we accept; insofar as you write bearing our audience in mind, and follow the guidelines given.


You may submit a sample of your article here or send it to admin {{at}} backtosonship {{dot}} com. Please do not forget to include your 'author's bio' description that will be added at the bottom of your article; and also if you so desire, your passport picture as an attachment.


While we appreciate contributions from external writers, we do NOT currently pay writers in monetary value. Instead we allow contributors to add an author’s bio and include a maximum of one link back to their website or blog, and a total of two links to their Twitter, Facebook or Google+ profile.

In addition, you get full credit as the author of the content with exposure to the web community; and feel free to promote your cause, aspiration, current activity, profession, business and achievements in a short and simple way in your 'author's bio'.

Above all else, and most importantly, you get the opportunity to impact and change lives.

Please note carefully that all links MUST be related to the subject and topic being written, as no unnatural links will be tolerated. If we decide to publish any article containing unnatural links, then the nofollow attribute will be added to such a link. Also, by submitting an article, you have given us the right to publish the said article as we deem fit and safe for our readers. Therefore, we reserve the right to edit your submission for better performance without consulting you.

Have something to share for the development, growth and empowerment of the sons and daughters of God? Come ahead and share it through us! God bless you.