Undeniable Proof that Evolution is a Hoax (2)

EVOLUTION...TRUE OR FALSE? The Role of Languages

In the first part of this article titled Undeniable Proof that Evolution is a Hoax (1), I talked about the thoughts and reflections of a certain writer on three reasons why evolution could only be a hoax. That first part discussed the first reason, this second part of this 3-part article series presents the second reason which proves that the theory of evolution is a big hoax.

The second reason...why are there seven thousand languages on earth today? The answer is obvious...GOD brought them all to be!

Think about it!

Why 7,000 Languages?

If, as evolutionists claim, all of mankind evolved from the SAME primitive life-source, then how did we end up with 7,000 different languages? The Bible teaches that God created all the different languages at Babel..."Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech...Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth" (Genesis 11:7,9).

It is far more reasonable to accept the Biblical claim that God created all of mankind's different languages; than it is to believe that some space-dust from a massive chaotic explosion somehow became life, and then took on intelligence, and then from the same evolutionary process ended up with 7,000 different languages. That makes no sense at all.

There are no "primitive" languages. All languages have a system of sounds, words, and sentences that can adequately communicate the content of culture. This is evidence of a divine Creator. The languages of the so-called "primitive" peoples are often very complex in their grammatical structures. If mankind had advanced through an evolutionary process, then there should still be developing languages today; but in fact, one languages disappears every 2-weeks. Read the following newspaper article from the renowned Los Angeles Times:
Researchers say a language disappears every two weeks
September 19, 2007|Thomas H. Maugh II | Times Staff Writer

One of the world's 7,000 distinct languages disappears every 14 days, an extinction rate exceeding that of birds, mammals or plants, researchers said Tuesday.

At least 20% of the world's languages are in imminent danger of becoming extinct as their last speakers die off, compared with about 18% of mammals, 8% of plants and 5% of birds.

The extinction of a language translates into a loss of knowledge, said K. David Harrison, associate director of the Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages and a linguist at Swarthmore College.

"When we lose a language, we lose centuries of thinking about time, seasons, sea creatures, reindeer, edible flowers, mathematics, landscapes, myths, music, the unknown and the everyday," he said.

Half of the world's languages have disappeared in the last 500 years, and half of the remainder are likely to vanish during this century, Harrison said.

Many of the languages are not easily translated into English. In the endangered south Siberian language Todzhu, for example, the word "chary" means "2-year-old male castrated reindeer that can be used for riding."

Harrison and Living Tongues Director Gregory D.S. Anderson have identified five language "hot spots" where the extinction rate is particularly high, they said at a news conference sponsored by the National Geographic Society, which supports their research.
One such area encompasses Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico, where 40 languages spoken by Native Americans are at risk. Only five elderly members of the Yuchi tribe, for example, are fluent in the Yuchi language, which may be unrelated to any other language in the world.

The top hot spot is northern Australia, where 153 languages spoken by Aborigines are at risk. There are currently only three known speakers of Magati Ke in the Northern Territory and three Yawuru speakers. The team found one elderly speaker of Amurdag -- which had previously been declared extinct -- and he could barely recall the language spoken by his father.

Other hot spots include central South America, parts of the Pacific Northwest and eastern Siberia. All the areas are similar in that they were colonized with indigenous languages giving way to a colonial language either voluntarily or through coercion. A map of the hot spots is at www.languagehotspots.org.

The Native American languages in Oklahoma are giving way to English, Anderson said. That process has already taken place on the East Coast, which was colonized earlier. Virtually all indigenous languages have disappeared there.

Researchers from the Living Tongues Institute are visiting these locales and using digital audio and video equipment to record the last speakers of the most endangered tongues. "In many cases, these are the first and only digital recordings of the languages," Anderson said.

In as few as seven to 10 days, they can record enough information to prevent the complete loss of a language, he said.
The fact that mankind's languages are vanishing from civilization at an alarming rate is proof that evolution is a lie. If evolution were true, then the process by which mankind has obtained 7,000 languages would be continuing today. Has the evolutionary process ceased? According to the Bible it never happened in the first place. One would have to be a fool to follow the nonsense of evolution. It's amazing to me how people continually place God and the Bible on trial; yet unquestioningly accept the theories of evolution. This just shows their wicked heart of unbelief in the Word of God.

The third, and last, undeniable reason that evolution is a complete hoax looks at science and modernisation itself. See Undeniable Proof that Evolution is a Hoax (3) through link below.

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