The Great Mercies of the Living God

"The longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." - 2 Peter 3:9. I recently read a true story told by a certain man, which clearly demonstrated the great and unquantifiable grace and mercies of the one true living God towards us humans.

The great, unquantifiable and everlasting grace and mercies of the one true living God

This man, whose story I read and whom I will refer to here as Mr Nice, tells of his war comrade who showed considerable disapproval when spoken to about Mr Nice's faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Mr Nice's war comrade scoffed at the Word of God and thought, like so many today, that with death all was over.

After the war, Mr Nice visited his war-time friend, but his friend still rejected the faith.

Then his wartime friend fell seriously ill.

Sitting at his bedside, the visiting Mr Nice asked his wartime comrade, "Have you ever thought about what comes after death?"

"That occupies me day and night." his sick friend replied.

Mr Nice endeavored to explain to him how it is possible to put things right with God and be saved for eternity through faith in Christ. "But for that you must acknowledge that you are a sinner before God and confess your sins." Mr Nice added.

His sick friend no longer scoffed at God's Word, but he just could not comprehend how he could be a sinner, which he understood to be a very degraded person.

After all, he knew he had always been a well-behaved person and a good soldier who always took his civic and military duties seriously.

On Mr Nice's next visit, his sick friend was extremely depressed.

"What will become of me in eternity? I am terribly afraid!" he repeatedly inquired of Mr Nice.

So he answered, "I have already told you what God's Word says on that score. But you have to confess your sins before God yourself. Simply pray like a child: 'Lord Jesus, I don't know how I can come to you, but I should so like to be saved."

Then the visiting Mr Nice left.

The next day, the sick man died.

When Mr Nice, not knowing his friend had died, visited the hospital later that day, the ward sister told him that the dead man's last words were: "Jesus has forgiven all my sins. I am going to Him. I have no more fears."

"The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance." - 2 Peter 3:9(NKJV)

Questions from this true story
Do you have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ? Have you confessed your sins to God and accepted Jesus as your one and only savior? If you were to close your eyes in death today, what would become of you? Are you born-again?

The Bible exhorts us not to take the great mercies of God for granted by continuing in our sinfulness (Romans 6:1). It admonishes us to come to God in repentance TODAY if we hear His voice calling us (2 Corinthians 6:2). And He is calling you NOW if you are yet to come to a personal knowledge of Him. As you read this, it could be none other than the LORD Himself calling you to repentance.

If you have not come to know the Lord yet and are still living a deliberate sinful life, then you are walking an extremely dangerous road. But do not panic - there is great hope for you and everyone else who is yet to know the Lord Jesus.

All you need to do now, yes right NOW wherever you are is to realize and accept that you have always been a sinner and could never help yourself out of the pitch-black death-pit of sin. Acknowledge this before God as you pray this simple, but powerful, prayer of repentance:

"Heavenly Father, I acknowledge I am a sinner. I also know I could never save myself from damnation. Forgive me my sins. I believe that you sent the Lord Jesus into the world to die for my sins, and I also believe He arose victoriously from death. I invite you into my heart as the God of my life. Lord Jesus, come into my heart, and take over the affairs of my life, as the savior of my life. I believe you have forgiven all my sins. I believe I am a new creation on the inside. And I believe I have been born-again."

After this prayer, you must bring out quality time daily to pray to God, read and meditate on His Word, and begin to attend a true Bible-believing church around you. Also endeavor to break away from all non-fruitful and/or sinful relationships and friends you may have had until you grow to become strong in the LORD.

For now, attend Sunday services and mid-week fellowships and prayer-meetings, and endeavor to make friends with true and sincere Christians you come into contact with. Remain blessed, my brethren!

Daily Bible Verse

Live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. - Ephesians 5:2 (NIV)
