Cries From Dark Death Unto Glorious Sonship

"He will be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when he hears it, he will answer you" - Isaiah 30:19. I woke up that fateful morning, and picked up the devotional which I'd bought a year earlier but had never read. As I opened it, the page that came up caught my attention...and held me spellbound. It was the Spirit of God speaking to me.

His Words To Me

The page was entitled, "In the attic", and told the story of a young woman, Martina.
Martina had had a Christian upbringing, but then began to lead her life according to the standards of the world and not according to the will of God. She had spent twenty years apart from God; twenty wasted years! And had experienced adultery, divorce and even prison.

One day she discovered a Bible, up in the attic. She certainly hadn't thought of seeking God, but one thing is certain: God sought her.

Martina opened the book and read by chance, as she thought: "Woe to the rebellious children, says the LORD, who take counsel, but not of me, and who devise plans, but not of my Spirit, that they may add sin to sin."

That was her history!

"Woe to the rebellious children, says the LORD, who take counsel, but not of me, and who devise plans, but not of my Spirit, that they may add sin to sin. In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength. But you would not. He will be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when he hears it, he will answer you" - Isaiah 30: 1, 15, 19

She went on reading: "In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength. But you would not."

In her heart, she cried, "LORD, I will!"

She continued reading: "He will be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when he hears it, he will answer you" (Isaiah 30: 1, 15, 19).

Martina paused to read these extraordinary words once again. And in that attic she received the forgiveness that God grants to all who confess the sins of their life to Him and trust in Jesus by faith.

God's forgiveness is perfect, final and unconditional for all who turn to Him.
I knew the LORD had spoken to me afresh through that little devotional. There was no doubt in me about that, but this was not the first time He'd spoken. Infact, since backsliding from practicing christianity 12 years back, He'd spoken severally to me in diverse ways.

Unfortunately, I always did find myself helpless in the clutches of sin and rebellion.

My Own Life

Twelve years of my life wasted on sin and disobedience to God and His Will! Twelve years of complete separation from God, in losing stagnation and dark spiritual death!!

Like Martina in the story above, I had experienced sins in many life issues. My heart heavy within me, my spirit-man arose broken and wept within. And my face turned upward toward heaven, as my soul like in times past longed strongly after the LORD!

The Mercy of God - Indeed, I cried from my place of dark death, and the LORD in His great mercy and love, brought me into the glorious sonship He prepared for His family.

I made a decision: No longer will I delay in truly turning back to God. I was going to follow the LORD faithfully. The road won't be easy but follow Him I will, and put all my trust for spiritual success in Him.

I confessed my sins, and trusting Him; I put my faith in His salvation which comes by faith alone in His son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Fruits of My Decision

It is now some eight (8) months since that fateful morning in the month of October, 2012 when I woke up to make that life-changing decision.

Unlike before, when I quickly backslid after deciding to follow after the Lord, I had resolved to make new friends who were Christians. I surrounded myself with them, and talked with them often learning from their own stories.

Indeed "Iron sharpeneth iron," and the LORD helping me, this association has brought forth much fruit in me.

In addition, I made a conscious effort to mind what I watched on the TV and listened to on the radio. I had discovered, from past experience, that the things you watched on TV and listened to on the radio, walkman or other music devices, had a very powerful impact on one's thoughts, inclinations and actions. I was not going to give the devil any more opportunities!

Furthermore I launched this blog (, and also began to share my christian belief and walk with former friends, with some jeering at me but many others listening to me with keen attention, and wishing me luck in my new faith. This helped to strengthen me, because the responsibility of keeping the words I shared weighed heavily on me and helped to align my path.

Agreed, the road has not been easy...but I now have great inner peace, strength and joy in such manner that the world could never have been able to give. These have always remained irrespective of what happens or is happening around me.

It keeps me strong and alive in the face of adversity, with a stronger inner conviction of the presence of God's Spirit and His daily leading.

Indeed, I had cried from my place of dark death, and the LORD in His great mercy and love, brought me into the glorious sonship He prepared for His family.

It Was Me, But What About You?

Now, the pertinent questions are: What about you? Are you connected to God? Have you cried to Him from your own place of dark death?

Surely, the LORD always answers us when we cry out to Him.

I encourage you my friend, like Martina and also like my humble self, cry out to the LORD if you do not yet have a relationship with God through His son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

The day to cry out is today...NOW!

Waste no more time. There is so much blessings that the LORD yearns to bless you and me with. But you must first cry out!

Bible Verse for Meditation:
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? - Psalm 42:2 (NIV)

Originally written: 5.30am, 7 October 2012
Updated: 19 May 2013


  1. Hello dearest in Christ. It is not only u that has experienced this. I thank God that u seem to have overcome ur prodigality.
    Am presently experiencing it and dont know what to do. I feel so lost and ashamed of the life am now living, but cant help myself. I've tried all my best to go back to the Lord but its just so so very difficult.
    I cry as i write this but i cant help myself. I really pray for God's merciful grace to move forward spiritually. I thank Him immensely for your life. God help me and all like me. AMEN!!

    1. Hi dear friend, you have said it all. It is all within your grasp. Just take a step of faith toward the Lord. He yearns to bring you closer that you yearn to go to Him. I just woke up with a great sadness at having been away from the LORD for so long. If you are sincere about forsaking your past ways, He will definitely help you up into His glorious light. He did it for me, and will definitely do it for you too. God bless you.

    2. i dont understd y u tink d creator 4gvs evry sin. som sins r nt 2b 4gvn. hs ur wife(or a woman u luv) eva bn raped b4 u, wile ur bein beaten up? hv u eva sn a 9yr old raped mercilessly ova n ova by a grown man? i v. nw, tel me, hw do u 4gv dis kinda sin? i'd neva 4gv these

    3. Hello there @Annonymous, its a sad pity that there are men like you described. But then, i want to assure you that God forgives ALL sins without exception. BUT you NEED to acknowledge your unworthiness and sins, invite Jesus into your heart, and then allow the Holy Spirit to do His cleansing work.

      I tell you most assuredly GOD FORGIVES ALL SINS WITHOUT EXCEPTION. He is just so loving. God without mincing words says to us all: "Come now, let us settle the matter," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." - Isaiah 1:18 (NIV).

      Accept Jesus my friend, forgive whoever hurt you and allow the Holy Spirit to heal you. Then you will begin to see the wonderful works of God. Then, even you will testify and say, "Indeed, the LORD is good."

      I assure you of this with every assurance in my being. Just put God to the test in this matter and see the result. Please test God in this!


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